Scaling and root planing (SRP) is a dental procedure that involves scraping stuff off of your teeth below the gumline.
Still trying to figure out how to get a probability vote by each paper…
Recolonization of the Subgingival Microflora After Scaling and Root Planing in Human Periodontitis
SRP sites are recolonized by the same organisms within 60 days.
Darkfield data is insufficient for measuring this, as demonstrated by the cultures they took (note that this invalidates findings in many other studies).
Probing depth is improved for at least 60 days.
Gingival index not improved.
The Effectiveness of Subgingival Scaling and Root Planing I. Clinical Detection of Residual Calculus
57% of sites had residual calculus after SRP
Evaluators (not having the benefit of an extracted tooth and microscope) basically can't tell; 77% false negative rate and 12% false positive rate.
Coming soon when I'm on my other computer: more experienced operators are better, but no one effectively cleans around furcations (root branching points).
Compared with Er:YAG laser treatment
WIP / more later