Power set


by Daniel Satanove Oct 25 2016 updated Oct 25 2016

The power set is the collection of all subsets of a set

[summary: The power set $~$\mathcal P (X)$~$ of a set $~$X$~$ is the set of all subsets of $~$X$~$. That is, if $~$Y \subseteq X$~$, then $~$Y \in \mathcal P (X)$~$. ]

The power set $~$\mathcal P (X)$~$ of a set $~$X$~$ is the set of all subsets of $~$X$~$. That is, if $~$Y \subseteq X$~$, then $~$Y \in \mathcal P (X)$~$.