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  clickbait: 'If we knew which computations were definitely not people, we could tell AIs which programs they were definitely allowed to compute.',
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  text: 'A "nonperson predicate" is a possible method for preventing an [2c advanced AI] from [6v accidentally running sapient computations] (it would be a potentially huge moral catastrophe if an AI created, ran, and discarded a large number of sapient programs inside itself).  A nonperson predicate looks at potential computations and returns one of two possible answers, "Don't know" and "Definitely not a person".  A successful nonperson predicate may (very often) return "Don't know" for computations that aren't in fact people, but it never returns "Definitely not a person" for something that *is* a person.  In other words, to solve this problem, we don't need to know what consciousness *is* so much as we need to know what it *isn't* - we don't need to be sure what *is* a person, we need to be sure what *isn't* a person.  For a nonperson predicate to be useful, however, it must still pass enough useful computations that we can build a working, capable AI out of them.  (Otherwise "Rocks are okay, everything else might be a person" would be an adequate nonperson predicate.)  The [6r foreseeable difficulty] of a nonperson predicate is that [10k instrumental pressures] to model humans accurately might tend to [42 seek out flaws and loopholes] in any attempted predicate.  See the page on [6v] for more detail.',
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