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  text: 'The purpose of this page is to sketch out what an *Intro to Numbers* project might look like, so we can evaluate whether it would make a good project.\n\n##Goal of the project##\n- Provide a guide to numbers that would be enlightening to Math 1 and Math 2 readers.\n\n##Outline##\n\n1. Basic taxonomy -- provide quick intuitive definitions for each of the following types of number.\n\n- [45h]\n- [48l]\n- [4zq]\n- [54z]\n- [5wx]\n- [4bc]\n- [4zw]\n\n<br>\n2. Explain at least one thing-you-didn't-already-know about each type of number.\n\n- [45h $\\mathbb N$]:\n - History of zero\n - Definition from successor function\n- [48l $\\mathbb Z$]:\n - History of negative numbers\n- [4zq $\\mathbb Q$]:\n - Did you know that there are the *same number* of rational numbers as there are integers?\n- [54z $\\mathbb I$]:\n - ??\n- [5wx Transcendental numbers]:\n - ?? %%note:[@5] notes that he, as a Math 2 reader (engineering major, professional programmer), recently realized that he didn't know the difference between an irrational number and a transcendental number. (And a quick survey indicates that the rest of the development team also doesn't know the difference.) So it should be easy to find something to say that's new for Math 2 readers.%%\n- [4bc $\\mathbb R$]:\n - Did you know that *although* there are the same number of rational numbers as natural numbers, there are provably _more_ real numbers than rational numbers?\n- [4zw $\\mathbb C$]:\n - http://simplifience.com/sample/identity.html\n\n<br>\n3. Exercises to test of understanding of each type of number.\n\n- Set of questions where a number is presented, and the reader has to say which type it belongs to.\n\n##Plan##\nMuch of the work has already been done -- we have pages on each of these types of number. Two main pieces of work remaining:\n\n1. Polish the existing pages up to A-class or B-class (including testing the explanations on Math 1/2 readers and incorporating feedback.)\n\n2. Add pages/lenses for the various things-you-didn't-already-know.',
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