Needs brief summary

by Eric Bruylant Jun 22 2016 updated Jun 22 2016

Meta tag for pages which need a brief summary.

Pages which have a long or in-depth main summary should also have a brief summary. These show up as an alternate tab on the summary popover when a user hovers over a greenlink. Add this tag to pages that need to have a brief summary.

Pages may also require a general or technical summary.


Eric Rogstad

Are there existing pages that need this tag?

I'm wondering if adding a second, brief summary is the right thing for pages with long main summaries, rather than editing the main summary. I could totally believe that adding a brief summary is the right thing, but I'd like to see some example cases. Do we have some examples where this tag would apply now?

Eric Bruylant

Plausibly not, maybe having just one is better. Scanning through the summaries on /explore/math/ is kinda painful currently due to load time, so I'm not sure.